Come and network with
Product Leaders from
PEXA Trip Advisor SEEK Airwallex MrYum


CPO Gatherings

Join an engaged community of 300+ (and growing) Chief Product Officers and Heads of Product. It is a group-led gathering all about Product Leaders coming together to help eachother, connect and build relationships and network with one another. Our mission is to connect the Australian product community one gathering at a time.


How it works

These are run quarterly as lean coffee-style catch-ups. We pair 8-10 Product Leaders from similar companies over for 1 hour to discuss real-world topics that are put forward and voted on by the group itself. So you’re getting practical advice that you can implement.  It is plain speaking and a safe space for you to discuss ideas. There are held virtually for now, with face-to-face ones planned for Melbourne and Brisbane very soon.

Our most recent gathering scored an average of 90/100 for the value the attendees felt they got from it, and 100% of them said they would want to attend the next one.

These are free to join and designed to allow you to ask other product leaders about problems you are having at the moment. What are you waiting for?


What some of the Product Leaders have said:

“Kris recently arranged a gathering of senior Product professionals, and I was fortunate enough to be able to attend. The topics covered were highly relevant to the challenges I face as a product leader. Hearing how others are facing and tackling similar problems was both comforting and inspiring! I was able to take away some ideas to try out, and I am looking forward to the next session.”

— GM and Director of Product, TripAdvisor

“The nDeva product gathering brought together various product experts in different industries who provided expert opinion based on knowledge and experience. The forum was honest and open which allowed for meaningful and engaging feedback. I would recommend to those who appreciate a sounding board and/or looking to grow their network.”

— Head of Product, PEXA

“Great initiative, love the learning - we don't get these opportunities that much. Keep doing the good work nDeva. It was refreshing to see many people facing the issue that we are facing, so this sense of community was great.”

— Head of Product, SEEK