Come and network with
the CTO of
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Talk about real world problems with some of the brightest minds in tech.

Our CTO Gatherings

As a technical leader of a business, it's often hard to get advice and talk to people going through similar challenges within your own company. That’s why we created nDeva CTO Gatherings. To help CTOs and Heads of Engineering connect and network with like-minded people who can help each other solve their problems and accelerate their journey to success.

Our CTO Gathering community now consists 650+ CTOs, ranging from CTOs of listed companies to scaleups in Series A, B and C. It includes the CTOs of Afterpay, Redbubble, Pointsbet, SafetyCulture and many more. 

How it works

Our CTO Gatherings are run quarterly as lean coffee style catch-ups. We pair 8-10 CTOs from like-minded and similar companies over Zoom for 1 hour to discuss real-world topics that are put forward and voted on by the group itself. So you’re getting practical advice that you can implement in your own teams.

Startups and Scaleups we work with.

What some of our CTOs have said…

  • Jason Fischer, CTO, Squiz

“I love the fact that you get to meet with a small group of like-minded peers. The conversations are always robust and I feel like I always leave the sessions with practical ideas that I can take back and implement in my startup.”

  • Ed Roosendaal, CTO, RateMyAgent

“Every gathering that I come to, I leave with little nuggets that I can use in the day-to-day running on RateMyAgent. As the topics are picked and chosen by CTOs who attend, the content is always relevant and on point to what I am looking for.”

  • Euan Walker, CTO, Judo Bank

“I love that I get to sense check my ideas and the challenges that I am having in the market with my peers of other companies. That trusted feedback from a group of my peers is hugely valuable.”

Interested in joining our CTO Gatherings?